2019 Contributing Partners
In FY2019 (July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019), Civic Consulting Alliance’s pro bono partners include the most respected companies in the world. By bringing together pro bono talent from Chicago’s private sector, client personnel, and our own dedicated staff, we create teams with incomparable capabilities to address our region's most critical challenges and opportunities. We are grateful to each of the following partners.
A.T. Kearney
The Academy Group
Advance Illinois
Analysis Group, Inc.
Ancel Glink
Arena Partners
Bain & Company
Baker McKenzie
bioGraph LLC
BMO Harris Bank N.A.
Boston Consulting Group
Carleton College
Chicago Public Education Fund
Denzin Soltanzadeh, LLC.
FCB Chicago
Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University
Kids First Chicago
Lantern Partners
Leverage Chicago
Mayer Brown LLP
McKinsey & Company
RF1 Consulting, LLC
RW Ventures
Sidley Austin LLP
Stephen M. Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan
Thrive Chicago
Tribune Real Estate Holdings, LLC
UChicago Crime Lab
West Monroe Partners
Zeno Group
Frank Beal
Jamie Cleghorn
Anjana Dalal
Evan Hatfield
John Martin
Rohan Mascarenhas
Soledad McGrath
Meghan Shehorn
Mark Van Grinsven
2019 Funders
In FY2019 (July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019), 18 corporations, 20 foundations, and 39 individuals provided the critical philanthropic support that allowed Civic Consulting Alliance to pursue our mission. We are grateful to each of these funders.
Anonymous (4)
Paula Allen-Meares, PhD*
Alvin H. Baum Family Fund
Ativo Capital Management
Bain & Company
Ballmer Group
Larry A. Barden*
Frank V. Battle, Jr.*
Sally Blount*
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois
Bram Bluestein* and Ilene Gordon
BMO Harris
The Chicago Community Trust
Michael Collins*
Michelle L. Collins*
The Civic Committee of the Commercial Club of Chicago
Crown Family Philanthropies
Gillian Darlow*
Deborah L. DeHaas*
Daniel Diermeier*
Dominican University
Michael C. Evangelides*
Charles L. Evans*
Finnegan Family Foundation
Sunil Garg*
James T. Glerum, Jr.*
Larry J. Goodman, MD*
Graham C. Grady*
David Hackett*
Henry Crown & Company
Linda Imonti*
Irving Harris Foundation
J.B. and M.K. Pritzker Family Foundation
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
Jones Day Foundation
The Joyce Foundation
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Kish Khemani*
Kirkland & Ellis
Krehbiel Family Foundation
Anne Ladky*
Lloyd A. Fry Foundation
Bruce Lubin*
Paul C. Maranville*
John W. McCarter, Jr.*
The Robert R. McCormick Foundation
McKinsey & Company
Dorri McWhorter*
Michael Reese Health Trust
Laurence Msall*
David Narefsky*
Christopher A. O'Herlihy*
James D. Pajakowski*
Peoples Gas
Polk Bros. Foundation
Anne R. Pramaggiore*
Pritzker Pucker Family Foundation
Pritzker Traubert Foundation
Curtis Reed, Jr.*
Riley Safer Holmes & Cancila
Sheli Z. Rosenberg*
Mark Shadle*
Goli Sheikholeslami*
Sidley Austin LLP
Tina Tabacchi*
The Field Foundation of Illinois
William Von Hoene*
Robert Wislow*
Zeno Group
*Board member